and Sustainable
Operations Group I-GEA project
The purpose of the SISCOL Project is to implement innovative management systems within the member farms of the G.O. (Operating Group). In particular, it aims to improve agricultural production from a qualitative and quantitative point of view through technological innovation based on computer communication and analysis and the use of modern equipment that upgrades agricultural waste and allows its reuse thus going to describe a process of circular economy valid not only for the region but for the entire European Community.
The implementation of the intelligent water management system based on computerized communication technology (ICT) aims to optimize the use of water resources available for irrigation. By implementing an intelligent water management system based on precision agriculture techniques, it will allow us the quali-quantitative efficiency of water demand for irrigation use that will allow the farmer a better and effective use of water resources. In fact, it will allow supplying the amount of water strictly necessary and the amount of nutrients useful for plant growth…
The SISCOL Project also proposes an innovative agricultural waste valorization system. The proposed system involves a combination of shredders and composting systems. The shredders will produce wood chips from olive tree woody pruning residues and waste from oregano processing. The wood chips will be burned in a boiler and then reused for heat/energy production on the farm. The composting systems will be designed and operated in order to obtain a compost with adequate macronutrient content and good microbial biodiversity….
Read in chronological order all news, activities and publications regarding the SISCOL Project.
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